Help is available


Call 000 if you are at immediate risk of harming yourself or someone else.

Don’t wait, and seek help RIGHT NOW and dial 000.

Rural Link
During business hours you will be connected to your local community mental health clinic.
After hours: Monday to Friday 4.30 PM to 8:30 AM
24 hours Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
1800 552 002

Contact Lifeline – 13 11 14 (available 24/7) Free confidential support or chat to a Crisis Supporter online at every night.


Farm Hub connects Australian farmers to a range of helpful services and support.

Suicide call back service
1300 659 467

WA First Nations specific suicide crisis line
1800 370 747


If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, depressed, or having difficulty coping your first step is to contact your local GP for an appointment to talk things over.

All GPs have mental health training and are the health professional people see most often.

When book to see your GP, let the reception know that you want to book a double appointment. It will give you a more time to talk about what’s going on, and what might be the best treatment options for you.

List of GPs in the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River

Depending on your situation your GP may refer you to a psychologist, psychiatrist, counsellor, or other mental health practitioner. You can ask for a Mental Health Treatment Plan, which gives you access to subsidised or low-cost care.

What is a Mental Health Treatment Plan?

Different types of mental health professionals work in the Augusta Margaret River Shire.  In the next pages you will find a list of free and low cost mental health providers in our community.  Not all of them need a referral from your GP. What is important is that you take steps today to make an appointment. Talking and connecting is the first step to taking care of your wellbeing.

Community Adult Mental Health Service (WACHS) Margaret River
Adult mental health provides mental health assessment, diagnostic clarification and treatment.
Adult Community mental health clinic. Referral via Busselton Community mental health team. Triage for referrals via phone call to Busselton.
Phone: 9753 6400
Address: 18 Fearn Avenue Margaret River
Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM
Cost: Free

Headspace Margaret River
Supports young people (12- 25 years)
Phone: 6164 0680
Hours: Tuesday 11 AM to 7 PM; Wednesday to Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Cost: Free

Relationships Australia 4 Families Program Outreach to Margaret River and Augusta
Focus on mental health of children and young people. Counselling, emotional support, information and referrals, family support workshops Support for grandparents and carers.
Phone: 6164 0600
Hours: by appointment
Cost: Free

GP Down South, Margaret River Community Centre
Free counselling and care coordination for financially and socially disadvantaged clients, maximum 6 sessions.  All ages, no mental health care plan required, for people who self-report financial hardship.
Address: 33 Tunbridge Street
Phone: 9754 3662
Hours: Fridays only
Cost: Free

GP Down South, Margaret River Community Centre
Severe and persistent mental illness (over 12-month period). Care coordination. Recovery-focused support. Goal-orientated. See information sheet for more details. Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) required.
Address: 33 Tunbridge Street
Phone: 9754 3662
Hours: Fridays only
Cost: Free