The Mail is teaming with Mindful Margaret River to share guidance and support from local members of the Mindful Margaret River alliance
R U OK? is a national charity inspiring and empowering everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life. Looking out for one another and lending support are key life skills for any age group.
Mindful Margaret River volunteer and Community Nurse Sandra Robertson explains how this message is well supported in Margaret River.
Sandra Robertson, School Community Nurse and member of Mindful Margaret River, with Andrew Host, Principal and member of Mindful Margaret River.
“At Margaret River Senior High School, on RU OK? day (10th September), all students will learn what circumstances can lead a young person to feeling low, be aware of certain behaviours and signs that can indicate a young person might be struggling, how to provide positive peer support, how to access support channels via an adult and how to navigate the RUOK? Conversation.
“Students will be reminded of important contacts and support services at school and in the community such as – Kids helpline – 1800 55 1800.
“Young people cannot be expected to fix someone’s problems, nor know the best way to help and support.
“However, they can listen to what their friend is saying, let them know they care and tell a teacher or student services support staff or trusted adult if they are worried about a friend.
“By promoting an environment of positive peer support and accessing support channels via an adult, young people can learn that asking, ‘Are you OK?’ is a key life skill.
“As well, all staff at Margaret River Senior High School are invited to an R U OK? morning tea to encourage conversations about mental wellbeing.
If you or a loved one need social and emotional or mental health support please contact your doctor and/or find a helpful list of contacts on the Mindful Margaret River website and in the front of the 2020 Rotary Directory.
If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please seek assistance by contacting your trusted healthcare professional or calling Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you are concerned for your safety or the safety of others, seek immediate assistance by calling Triple Zero (000).
Further Information:;;
Mindful Margaret River is an alliance of mental wellbeing professionals, government agencies, community members and the Shire of Augusta-Margaret River to promote health and wellbeing in the Shire.
First published in the Augusta Margaret River Mail 14 September 2020