Self Seen a different type of men’s group
We sit down with Self Seen, a community connection forging meaningful relationships in our community.
We sit down with Self Seen, a community connection forging meaningful relationships in our community.
Margi Pride, a local LGBTQAI+ community group dedicated to creating a safe, inclusive space in the Augusta Margaret River region.
The shire of Augusta Margaret River has cited community mental health as a real priority.
In the wake of a suicide, the emotional toll on individuals, families, and communities can be overwhelming. StandBy Support, a national suicide postvention service, plays a critical role in guiding those affected through this difficult time.
This past year has been both an
exciting and, often, nail biting time. Last November, the LotteryWest grant finally ran out and we left the security of the Shire auspicing our funds. Since then, we have been standing on our own two feet, working hard to secure our future.
The Margaret River Community Centre, the beating heart of the community. Where to go for support and connection to local services.
One in five people experience challenges with peri natal mental health. Chances are if you have a chat with one of your new mum or dad friends, they may disclose the ups and downs of their postpartum journey.
Dr Peter Durey, Deputy Chair of Mindful Margaret River, discussed how to recognise the signs of mental distress.
Award-winning children’s author and child wellbeing advocate Josh Langley will host the workshops aimed at developing resilience through childhood.
Mindful Margaret River says the State Government is wrong to claim it has addressed the findings of a high-level report into child and adolescent health services for outlying communities in the South West.