First Nations

Counselling and family support

Addictions can have a damaging impact on individuals, families and communities. It is important to get support if you or someone you know needs help to manage an addiction.

Alcohol and Other Drug Support

Open meeting all welcome

Cost: Free
Margaret River Community Centre
Hours: Every Sunday at 11 am
Phone: RJ on 0477 269 963

A confidential, non-judgemental telephone counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s meth use.

Phone: 1800 874 878
Hours: 24/7

Counselling for alcohol and other drugs, support for family members impacted by substance abuse. People can self-refer or be referred by GPs or other health professionals. 

Cost: Free
Hours: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm
Phone: 9729 6700

Counselling For individuals, families and children, relationship issues, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Bereavement, Family Separation, Trauma, Family and Domestic Violence, Gambling Help, Alcohol and Substance Misuse, Sexual Abuse, Grief, Self Esteem Issues, Health Issues, Sexuality, Workplace issues.  

Cost: Based on personal circumstances, please call up to discuss.
Address: 33 Tunbridge Street, Margaret River 
Hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays Wednesdays by appointment 
Phone: 9754 2052 

Confidential counselling, information, referral service. Concerned about loved one’s alcohol or drug use. Option to speak to experienced parent volunteer.

Phone: 1800 653 203

SA free group program assisting any problematic behaviours, including addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, food, shopping, Internet and others. Guided by trained peers and professionals, participants come to help themselves and help each other using a variety of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and motivational tools and techniques.

Many of these meetings are provided via Zoom.

Register for an online meeting.

Domestic Violence Supports

Aboriginal adults and children that have experience family violence or sexual assault. 

Aboriginal heritage located within the Great Southern and Sout West Regions of WA. 
Cost: Free 
Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9 am to 2 pm, Wednesday 10 am to 2 pm

Legal Support

ALSWA provides legal support and representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in WA in Civil and Human Rights Law, Criminal Law, Family Law and Child protection with additional services in Bail Support Service and Prison In-Reach Program, Community Legal Education, Custody Notification Service, Work development Permit Service, Your Story Disability Legal Support and Youth Engagement Program. 

Phone: 1800 019 900 
Visit website

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have experienced family violence or sexual assault.  They do not act for perpetrators of violence.
Cost: Free
Phone: 1800 469 246
Visit website

Criminal matters including traffic offences, motor vehicle accidents (not personal injury), contract law, criminal injuries and compensation, violence and misconduct restraining orders, leaving home, case work and court representation (Children’s Court matters only), FVRO. 
Cost: Free 
Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, call to make appointment. 
Phone: 1800 199 006 
Visit website

Legal and social support service. 
Legal Yarn – for First Nations callers 
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm 
Phone: 1800 319 803
Chat online 
Visit website

Health Services

The South West Aboriginal Medical Service Ltd (SWAMS) is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, founded on the principles of self determination, empowerment and freedom of choice.
Phone: 1800 779 000

Services include: 
Kalil Mordidjabiny (Home becoming strong)
Family and Domestic Violence
Kwaba Bidi – Foster Care
Disability Services
Social and Emotional Wellbeing – Please call the SEWB team for further information on 9797 8111
Community Programs
Kaat Darabiny – Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drug Team
Child and Maternal Health
Chronic Conditions

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