Disordered Eating

About disordered eating

Everyone’s experience of an eating disorder is unique; they aren’t a lifestyle choice, or a cry for attention.  Talking to your GP is a first step to seeking help and getting a referral to a professional in eating disorders or disordered eating.  However, there are a number of other resources available that you can access in the meantime.

The Butterfly Foundation is the national peak body for anyone in Australia impacted by eating disorders and body image issues, as well as the families, friends and communities who support them.

If you’re struggling with these feelings, please consider seeking support.


Talk to somone now

Phone: 1800 33 46 73
Chat: Online

Are you at risk?

There is a simple and anonymous screening tool to help you know if you are experiencing symptoms of an eating disorder.

Are you at risk? – Butterfly Foundation

Eating Disorders are misunderstood and grossly under-estimated. A lack of understanding and stigma associated with mental health affect community responses to eating disorders. The Butterfly Foundation has a great resource Myths about eating disorders that can help you as a first step to understanding the facts about mental health and eating disorders.  Learn more here: Myths about eating disorders – Butterfly Foundation

Disordered Eating Support

Free and confidential support for anyone concerned about eating disorders or body image issues, including online chat or email.
Helpline: 1800 33 4673
Visit website

For the Butterfly Foundations’s clinicians database: Referral Database

Provides support, resources, and a community for families and carers, including online counselling and peer support.
Phone: 1300 195 626
Visit website

The National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) Service Locator provides information about eating disorder-specific clinical services.
Service Locator

A statewide confidential, non-judgemental, telephone service for anyone in WA concerned about their own or another person’s mental health issues and/or alcohol and other drug use.
Phone: 1800 437 348
Email: hereforyou@mhc.wa.gov.au

Support for young people aged 12 to 25 years.
Phone: 1800 650 890
Visit Website

Butterfly Body Bright is a strength-based, evidence-informed program developed by Butterfly Foundation. Designed to be integrated into Australian primary schools, it provides resources and support to teachers and their broader school community. The program aims to promote healthy attitudes and behaviours towards the body, eating and physical activity in children, so they can thrive at school and in life.
Find tip sheets based on the six pillars of the Body Bright Program Brave, Resilient, Inclusive, Grateful, Happy, Thoughtful. Visit their website.
Invite a School to join the Butterfly Body Bright Program.

Australia’s largest body positivity movement for young people (11-18), offering free activities to promote kindness towards their own bodies and others. It’s part of Butterfly’s initiative to support body confidence for all.
Visit website

A free initiative that helps parents and carers promote positive body image and address concerns in their teens, encouraging kindness towards their own bodies and others. 
Visit website

An interactive tool designed to support parents of children and young people experiencing different types of eating and/or body image problems.
Visit website

Other Supports

Embrace your Body with Taryn and Dr Z  – In this podcast series, global change maker Taryn Brumfitt and leading body image expert, Dr Zali Yager come together to talk through the practical strategies that parents need to know to help their kids feel better about their bodies – what to say, what to do, and how to feel better about doing it. Listen on Spotify.

The Oyster Sisters – Listen to Taryn Brumfit get raw and real with Dr Gemma Munro and Mia Handshin on their podcast that’s all about loving our wobbly bits, growing through life’s grit and learning from the pearls that are worth treasuring. Sisters from other mothers, Taryn, Gemma and Mia unleash some radical authenticity on the path to uncovering the hidden treasures inside us all. Listen on Spotify.

Embrace (2016) – A social impact documentary that inspires us to change the way we feel about ourselves and think about our bodies. Released in 2016, this film continues to be relevant, relatable – and life-changing. Nominated for the Documentary Australia Foundation Award for Best Documentary, EMBRACE has been seen by millions of people across the world and has created a ripple of positive change.

Embrace Kids (2022) – Filled with fun and joy, EMBRACE KIDS is an energetic mix of animation, live action, interviews, music and more. The film explores the relationship children have with their bodies and covers topics including social media, disability, gender identity, representation and diversity.

Division of Responsibility – Ellyn Satter, Dietitian, therapist and child feeding expert.

Intuitive Eating – Dietitians Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch.