Do you find others often open up to you and share their problems, sometimes distressing situations, and ask you what you think they should do?
Would you like to be clearer about what to say or do to really help them?
This three hour workshop will:
• Increase your understanding and awareness of signs of stress, psychological distress and suicidal ideation.
• Explore skills to initiate safe caring conversations or what to do if you feel out of your depth.
• Develop safe strategies, for yourself and others, when you f ind yourself ‘in a counselling role by accident’.
• Provide you with a better understanding of local support that is available, how to access this support, and how to link someone in distress to support.
• Increase your mental health literacy.
This workshop is limited to two participants per Community Group, with a maximum capacity of 24 attendees. This workshop has been funded by Lotterywest. Tickets are Pay What You Can starting at $5 and includes morning tea. Proudly supported by Arts Margaret River.