Peter Durey Selfie 2020

How to grow kindness in your own garden

The recipe for kindness and connection The ramblings of Peter Durey, a local, old, retired family doctor who has over the years, chosen to work in the country for two main reasons. Firstly, because it is the country, which means fresh air and green and trees and ocean. The concrete and tarmac just don’t cut […]

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Louise Mann 002

Time to forgive and find peace

My story is about ownership, acknowledgement of failures, taking responsibility and surrendering weapons of defence. It’s about forgiveness, of myself and others, and the release this brings. It’s about ‘getting out of my own way’ and realising that if I am a victim it’s because I choose to be, and it serves me in some […]

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Maintaining friendships on the move

I came to this area via Ireland. As I had lived in Victoria it was a long way round to get here – but I made it. Having our son, daughter and grandchildren living here and a great climate, then the offer of an ideal job was an offer I couldn’t refuse. The job? Well, […]

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Jb 2

Bring the outdoors in for peace of mind

Recently I finished my postgraduate studies in Positive Psychology. Positive Psychology is the science of human wellbeing and thriving. Instead of concentrating on our negative qualities it focuses on developing our strengths and the characteristics that increase resilience, mental wellbeing, physical health and life satisfaction. It’s fascinating stuff! One area I find particularly interesting is […]

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Sandra Robertson

A warm welcome can mean the world

When I moved to Margaret River, I was fleeing an unhealthy, unsafe relationship. I landed with my two children and a four-wheel drive full of personal belongings. I half expected to be looked down upon, frowned on and judged for my challenging situation but I wasn’t. I was warmly welcomed with kindness and acceptance and […]

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Maxine Williams Formal

Do you need a cuppa?

Do you need to sit down and stop just for five minutes…? I can’t remember how old I was when I joined the family tradition of enjoying a cup of tea. I can remember sitting comfy on a little upholstered chair across from my Grandma who would sit in her armchair. She would pat her […]

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Mr 2

Connection is more complex than it seems

The Mail is once again teaming with Mindful Margaret River to share guidance and support from local members of the Mindful Margaret River alliance. My wife and I moved to live in Burnside in early 2018. We didn’t know many people in the Margaret River area and we wondered if we’d feel isolated living in the middle […]

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