Flowstate’s 4 week Youth Wellness Surf Program for Young people 12-17 commences Saturday 7 October 2023 from 9am – 11.30am.
These programs are designed for Young People who want to learn to surf or improve their surfing, while also leaning skills for their mental and emotional wellbeing in a fun and social environment.
If you or someone you know is interested please email us on info@flowstate.org.au and we will send you our brief registration form.
These programs are FREE as they are funded by the AMR Shire and delivered by 2 mental health therapists and a teacher. Participants will need transport to and from Redgate beach.
Register by email at info@flowstate.org.au or contact 0402796475 or 0415975977.Check us out on Instagram and Facebook at Flowstatemr.inc.