Volunteer opportunities

Margaret River and surrounding community are full of amazing opportunities to to contribute and give back. If you are looking for a way to help people in need, here are a few ideas of places you can volunteer to find a regular volunteer job that helps local people.

Home and Community Care

They are usually looking for volunteers to pick up people for appointments, grocery shopping or other appointments or a delivery for meals on wheels service to the vulnerable.


Helping students thrive is a program looking for volunteers.


Looking for social support for clients.  Social Centre Support


Locally looking for Home visitors – Companionship for older people, community visitors scheme

If you are interested in being a volunteer for Lifeline which can be from your home, have a look at their website.  There are a few quizzes to find out what type of role might suit you best.  There will be some intensive training involved but will be a flexible ongoing role that will provide immediate support to people in need.

Other types of roles available

There are many other ways to volunteer in our community from joining a local Lions Club to St Johns Ambulance. Joining a local Bush Fire brigade to volunteering to help with Park Run. The local Soup Kitchen also welcomes new volunteers. Find out more about different volunteer opportunities from any of the of the following sources:

Seek Volunteers – type in your town name under WHERE

Volunteering WA – type in your town name under LOCATIONS

Volunteer recruitment for Mindful Margaret Rivercurrent vacancies are listed here.